While talking to an Ebay rep the other day I asked about the Unsigned Artisan sub-category in the Native American jewelry category. I was told: After further research it appears the unsigned subcategory is the exception under Native American jewelry. You still can't describe your item as Native American so, it would be just like listing in the southwestern category. You could list the appropriate items in both categories to increase visibility. I was confused because it was my understanding that nothing not proven NA and marked as such was allowed in the NA category at all. A light bulb went off last night. There is nothing saying you can't list in that category, you just can't use any NA words in the title. Here is the wording from the policy: If the artisan name and tribe or certifying tribe is unknown, the piece can't be described as "Native American," "American Indian," or "Alaska Native." These items also can't be listed in the Native Americana category, which is designed for authentic Native American arts and crafts. eBay supports the letter and spirit of the Indian Arts and Crafts Act, so sellers can't use words like "Indian
Orignal From: Epiphany about listing NA
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