Yesterday I found a nice variety of jools at an estate sale - a Sarah Cov set, Judy Lee earrings, Crown Trifari choker - then these two. I wish I had gone the first day, when that cardboard treasure chest was likely full! Apparently Grandma passed away, she was in her 90's. Can anyone help with these? Much appreciated! First I believe that this strand is real pearls. The tooth test is gritty, but of course I cannot tell if they are cultured or natural. They are a taupe or deep ivory color. Do pearls turn dark over time? Handknotted and the string is almost brown with age. The clasp has a marking 10K, then a symbol. I am hoping someone can help with the symbol. At first I thought it was a G, but on closer inspection realize it is not. Second piece, I thought was glass at first. The 35" necklace has matte black beads, handknotted, with rhinestone rondelle (is that the correct term?) spacers. The thing that threw me is that they have dimples, or flat spots on many of them. Anybody know what these may be? -- Nancy When life throws you worms, go fishing!
Orignal From: Two necklaces from an estate sale (kinda)
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