Sunday, August 23, 2009

I'm sure you guys are all sick of this topic, but I just had to vent to people who understand. Fine, I learned the hard way not to buy stuff from most sellers in China ( I did find one or two that are very honest and terrific, not bashing here). So I bought what were supposedly fabulous faceted smoky quartz twist beads (from the US) at a decent price (not .99) and ended up with plastic cubes. I looked too late at the seller's feedback, and now I'm just so dissapointed. I will go through the whole rigamarole, have already contacted the seller who told me the beads were not plastic even though I had the pieces of dreck in my hands and know damn well they are. So what if I leave a negative feedback? They sell thousands of pieces of junk and ebay won't do a thing to them. And to top it all of, they get a discount to peddle their unending supply of junk. I don't think I'm being unreasonable, the shape is less at issue than the fact that they are plastic, that is blatant!! So, what do you folks think? Thanks for listening to my rant.

Orignal From:

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