Whe you chose to buy or bring home two dogs you also enetered into a coveneant to take care of them. This means that they do not like staying out all night anymore than you would. Their incessant barking is like a baby waking me up at 12-2-4-and 6. I had a daughter. I woke up once at 12-2-4- and 6 and worked the next day and did it all over the next night. I am now retired, 60 years old, and i don't want to wake up at 12-2-4- and 6 anymore in my life. I am sick of your dogs barking and even more sick of you. If you weren't so besu trying to spread the love of the Lord to Sherry and me when we have told you over and over again that our religious life is our own business WE WILL HURT YOU. Today I am buying an air horn becuase I notice you keep your windows open at night. I will be sneaking over the fence and blowing the horn in your windows everytime your ugly muts start their chorus of psychotic barking. You are very lucky this is all I am going to do. The other neighbors have been talking about painting your house pink and green in the middle of night one of the neighbors just bought a retired army torpedo launcher. So if you have neighbors nearby, and own animals that make loud noises at night, cameles included, take the damn things inside for the night. God bless ya, Tom
Orignal From: An open Letter to My Neighbors
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