Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fitness and Video Games - The Smart Connection Vol. 1

Fitness and Video Games - The Smart Connection
Even with the Nintendo Wii (which forces you to move while playing) and games like Dance Dance Revolution, Donkey Konga, and The Playstation EyeToy (that you can buy a fitness orientated game for) obesity is still rising in North America, and television and video games are getting a bad rap because of this.
It's deserved I guess, because even though fitness gepanies are trying to make fitness fun by making fitness machines gepatible with video game systems (Cateye GameBike Pro Exercise Bike, Neoracer Home/Office Excercise Bike, and the Kilowatt Exer-Stations) they are still far too expensive for most video game players. Most of these gepatible gaming systems cost over $400 and some top the $1000 mark. Unless you're worth your weight in gold, these are out of your price range, and even if you can afford them why would you spend that kind of money on a machine you probably won't use, when you could use that $400 to buy 7 new video games.
Another problem with these machines is they are basically cardio only, and if you know anything about fitness and weight loss you know that while cardio will help you lose weight, it won't add muscle, leaving you looking flabby and weak even after you've lost all that weight.
So here's my solution...
My video game workout plan:
Supplies needed:
Exercise Bike - You can pick up an exercise bike on okay for pretty cheap, or at your local fitness or department store, but the best way to get your hands on an exercise bike for dirt cheap is to check out your local buy and sell or hit up garage sales. You don't need an advanced piece of equipment, just something to get your heart rate up and your body in motion. Just make sure it's gefortable, you're going to spend quite of bit of time with your butt glued to that seat.
A Digital Timer and a Stopwatch: You'll need a timer to count down the intervals, and a stopwatch to time your overall session.
Your Body - You're going to be doing some calisthenics.
Willpower - i.e. the willingness to put down the controller every once in awhile
The Workout Plan:
I regemend doing this workout while playing sports or racing games however, if you don't like sports or racing games that's where the digital timer gees in.
The Straight Cardio Plan:
Duration: Work your way up to 1 hour 4 times a week.
It's pretty simple; you're going to ride your bike for an hour while playing video games.
The first week you'll simply ride your bike at a normal pace through out the entire 1 hour session, to get used to playing games while riding.
The second week will mix it up a bit. You'll have to decide how you want to do this and how you're going to work it into the specific game you're playing. You'll start out riding your bike and every time you gee across a loading screen you'll ride your bike as hard as you can until the loading screen clears. This includes in game videos as well. Loading screens and in game videos.
The third week will be even more challenging, you will continue to do sprints during loading screens, but you will also do them at timed intervals of 10 minutes (that's where the digital timer gees in), every 10 minutes you will pause the game and pedal as hard as you can for as long as you can, you will then reset the timer, un-pause the game and continue to play. Remember that you must also do sprints during loading screens and in game videos.
The fourth week will follow the same structure as the third week except for the change in interval will go from 10 minutes to seven and in the 5th week it will go from 7 minutes to 5 minutes.
That's the cardio only plan, and if followed for the allotted time, you should see a decrease in weight, body-fat, and an overall increase in energy. Remember that exercise alone cannot remold your body a change in diet will help you achieve results you couldn't even imagine.
Check out my other guides for The Cardio/Calisthenics Workout, the Different Ways to Structure your Workouts to the games you're playing, and the How to Change your Diet without noticing.
Finally I must ask that you PLEASE VOTE IF YOU FIND THIS GUIDE HELPFUL. I'm just trying to help, please don't hesitate to contact me with your questions, gements, or success stories.
Thank you,
Randall, of Randalls-eBooks
P.S. This is the type of article you'll find in my monthly fitness newsletter. Visit my okay store ( to find out more.

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