This guides is a bout a great feature in My okay, it is called my messages. If you receive an email to your regular email box, check my messages first. If message is not there that means that particular message is not an official okay message. You receive messages through your okayas a security measure to be sure the message is from okay. Some of the messages you receive in your in regular email account are known as spoofs or phis-hing emails. The sender is not from okay but just trying to get your personal information from you to steal your identity. By clicking and signing into okay then your messages you can be a little more secure.
However there are now people the are using the okay email system to spoof or phi sh for information, your personal information. So always use caution when responding to anyone.
How the message system works:
Someone asks you a question or okay sends you a message.
You can click respond and answer your seller / buyer questions, usually okay messages requires no response.
Then you click respond and your message will go to the persons' okay message box.
There are 3 boxes at the bottom below where you type your answer in
Oneis hide my email address, I highly regemend using this box unless you want that person to be able to have your personal email address. This assure you that you are not giving the shady people a chance to send you spoof or phi-sh emails. This eliminates a lot of these takes of emailsso less chance of identity theft.
Two is send my message to my email , I never use this system because I can just check my message under sent.
Three is post to item description, great tool for sellers tip is to post the answer on your item that you are selling as to there may be others out there with the same question and by posting the answer on your listing you can answer all at 1 time.
Down fall is okay messages may take up to 5 days to show up in your regular email box. Another reason to check my messages because you may not respond in time if you do not .
My messages through okay is not totally secure, if the thieves will find there way around any system if they think there is easy money to be had. Don't let it be yours, protect it by checking your okay messages first.
Thank you for reading and do not forget to vote. Stay safe.
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