This GUIDE will explain what to expect when you see this word (ACCUMULATION)in okay auction lot titles and help you with your bidding.
selection of stamps where you will find quite a significant amount of duplication.
if you are not looking for traders, then stay away from these types of lots
if you are looking for kiloware mixtures (which are stamps on paper), this is not for you.
if you are looking for varieties, then this is for you.
if you are looking for postmarks, then, yes, this is for you.
if you are a dealer or want to be a dealer, then this is for you
if you just want to re-sell stamps in circuit books, then this is for you.
you can expect to find some stamps in mixed condition....
.....i.e. there may be some bends, creases, short perfs, or other faults amongst the material that you will receive.
Does the SELLER clearly state what types of faults that you can expect to find?
read the auction lot description carefully
check to see if the SELLER, has scanned in a representative selection
sometimes, the SELLERS, scan in a generic representative sample and then keep re-using the same scan.
in those cases, be aware that what you see, is not what you will get
many times the SELLER will not tell you what is the quantity
don't be shy, contact the SELLER and ask him a question.
but remember, that he may then place your question on okay for everyone to see. That is shown at the bottom of the description.
therefore , at all costs, in order to remain anonymous, don't sign your name or okay userid id at the end of the message ( he/she already knows who sent the message).
you don't want the other bidders to know that you are interested, until you bid.
lastly, check the postage and handling costs, as these types of lots tend to have a greater cost, simply because of the weight of the stamps.
continuing in this same vein, okay has been helpful by creating a feedback rating which relates to postage and handling fees. So, i strongly suggest that you look up the feedback and then check to see if the rating is 4.8 or above. That will give you the best indication of if the seller is charging excessively or reasonably.
P.S. Different okay sites will give you some very different RESULTS. ( as atMay 13, 2009)
Search was done on the ACCUMULATION on the following sites. These are theresults.
okay in the USA= 186 listings
okay in the UK= 93 lots listed
okay in Australia= 281 lots were found
When searching auction listings with a "WORD", I strongly regemend that you visit numerous sites.
The material that you find may surprise you.
most viewers will not click YES/NO.
Only 4% actually take the time to vote.
Are you part of the 4% who will vote?
I am an eternal optimist.
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