Friday, September 2, 2011

Buying Vintage Motion Clocks Mastercrafters , Ballerina

Hi! I'm lisanagain on okay, and I LOVE MOTION CLOCKS! From Ballerina Alarm Clocks to Mastercrafters Fireplace clocks to all the rest!!
In this guide my main goal is to give you..
When you buy on okay, the best thing to remember is to take your time with each auction you are interested in. Read everything very carefully, and examine the pictures twice!
Most sellers tell everything they know, but that may not be enough! YOU MUST ASK QUESTIONS! and you must ask the RIGHT questions!
HERES A FEW GOOD ONES for Motion Clocks..
1) Does the clock AND motion work well? Does clock keep proper time, and does motion work smoothly without sticking or pausing? Clock and motion often work independently, so ask about BOTH!
2) Does the light, if any , work? Have you replaced bulbs?
3) Is clock quiet when running? Is there slight but not annoying noise? or does it squeek, whine, sound like metal on metal rubbing? groan? .. trust me, these clocks can souind very strange.. They are, after all often 50-60 years old, and like us, they can often move with less grace and more creaksthan when they were young! Some, are virtually silent, but most make some noise, and SOME are downright irritating!
4) Is crystal of clock clear and un blemished? These clocks often have plastic crystals, and they can get yellowed, scratched, cracked and foggy.. Ask if pictures are not very clear.
5) Are all knobs and buttons of function present and working? If not, can one knob be switched back and forth to serve two functions? For instance, can time andalarm knobs interchange? This is gemon on the older Ballerina alarm clocks.
6) Does music play when wound, set, and turned on? Is the music too slow, or much too fast? This is a feature on wind up vintage Ballerina clocks, and it can get slow from the spring being rusty or gunked up..
7) On electric Mastercrafters and Untied clocks, ask about the electrical cord, Is is in good condition? Ask if it has bare wire showing, is brittle, if plug is damages, or any other concerns you may have. Remember, these are older items, and you may wish to replace the cord for safety, even if it looks OK.
8) Does clock wind smoothly? How long does clock run on full wind? Some sellers may keep track, although I usually watch for a day or two to assure accurate time, some clocks run longer, but as a rule, small alarm clocks were designed to be wound daily when you woke up, so about 48 hours is pretty good for the ballerina alarm clocks..
9) Are all decorative trim pieces present and attatched well? Is anything missing? As with Mastercrafters clocks, some trim may be gone, but clock will still look good and function well. For instance, the fireplce trim may be gone from a clock, but the fire will still be attractive. This does detract from value a little, but not much from functional beauty.
10) Have any repairs been done to the clock by seller or anyone else recently? If so, what? Is there any evidence of work done, repairs such as glue residue from reattatched trim.. etc? Has WD40 been used on clock? This is very BAD for any clock as it will make a stuck clock run for a while sometimes, but later gunks it up and ruins it. NEVER do that! and don't buy one that has had it sprayed on it!
OK, I hope these will help you ask the Right questions to get the best working motion clock you can. okay remains the very best place to buy great motion clocks at very good prices! Please ask me any questions you may have any time! PLEASE Please PLEASE take the time to click "YES" below on helpfulness.. It helps me gain credit as a best reviewer and tells me I'm actually helping! THANK-YOU and I hope to see you soon at one of my auctions!
Lisa Ann (lisanagain)

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