Sunday, September 4, 2011

Exploring your Drag Personna in the 21st Century

The Top7 Secrets to Exploring your Drag Personna
by Cassaundra Manchester, Personna Emeritus
So eitheryou've gottendrag fever by osmosisor either you are experiencingthat once in a life time moment to demomstrate your feminine side. Nevethless, as youcross the genderthreshold into creating your drag personna you will need bothsome firm advice and a heavy dose of campy sense of humor. Therefore, I've decided that this guidecanoffer the next prima dona, aone stop shoppinglexicon onthe how to's and why not's of divadom.Boysand future girls, let's get out our pads and pencils...
1. Be realistic about the situation. Ifyou put on your make-up and the mirror starts howling, simply stop! Go find you a basic make up artist to help you developyour unique look. Using good freshmake-up and concealer go a long way. Products such as Mac Cosmetics and Flori Roberts are excellent choices. Don't forget to get some good brushes and make up tool box.
2.Big hair is back but maybe not for you! Every up and geing diva wants to strut out under a mame of synthetic glory, however, be careful that your hair is not wearing you as an accessory, but rather you are sporting a furious do that takes you to the next level. Remember, even theRoss Boss Diana, will give her weave a rest. I've seen some real good updo's up for sale or auction on the site, so take note.
3. If it doesn't fit, you must acquit, no that's quit it. Wearing gowns that cause circulation problems orcausing you to becitedfrom the fashion police, is a seriousmatter that's got to get your utomost attention.Solution: a variety of classy fashions from my collection in the Drag clothingcaterory,is a possible source for all those fashionista, who may be lacking in the wardrobe department.
4. If you don't want to have a high podiatrist bill, get some decent shoes that fit. You can find certain shoe offerings on E-bay, however, be sure that you make a concentrated effort to ask the right questions about sizes. The male foot is not dainty and getting thosebattle cruisersin to a women's size 8, when youreally need a size12 is crucial.
5. Accessories can either make or brake your look. I know that some gals revel in the over the top jewerly and other bangels, yet a careful selectionfrom the drag jewelry section found on E-bay can give you just what you need. Flashpoints to consider are your facial geposite and cranial structure. Big headed drag queensshould not attempt a Queen Victoria look. It just doesn't work in the 21st century.
6. The rules slightly change for those of youwho consider yourselves only crossdressers. However, despite the basics, see items 1-5, you too can find suitable items for your femininepursuits on the auction block. Such as teddys, fishnet stockings and extraheavy foundation for that problematic 5 o'clcock shadow. Remember you must go boldly where most men have never gone before. So shop til you drop.
7. Finally, the whole package must be gepleted with finding a suitable moniker for yourself. A name that embraces all of the glorious female attributes of which you intend to project most likely can't befound on E-bay. But, if you check the patheon of drag queen names past, you may find your new personna. Such names as Hallelujah Jones, Aneeda Snatch, Rita Rottencrotch or Dietra Pepsi are probably open for the taking. Ultimately, my pretties it's all about having fun, giving it your alland making the best of eitherwhat Godor the nearest plastic surgeon hasgiven you to work with. So until we meet again, go forth my friends and multiply.

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