Hello, this guide should help anyone looking to install there own fountain dispenser.
1. When looking for a dispenser keep in mind that there are small systems and large systems the larger systems are very heavy and can take up alot of space.Some have built in cooling andsome need ice.They also need access to a drain,120 volt power supply,water,and co2.
2. Once you decide on the type of unit you want and the location its time to decide on what you want to drink.Pepsi or Coke and see whats available in your area.It want do you any good to have a fountain dispenser with nothing to dispense.If you live near a wholesaler such as Sams Club you can buy the syrup there and some bottlers will sell you syrup also.Just find whats available in your area and buy the system that will hookup to the bib(bag in box) syrup.
3.Now that you have your system bought lets get it installed.
4.First thing you want to do is get your co2 bottle rented or if you bought one with your system filled . I suggest the 20lb. tank.
5.Find out where you want the dispenser to sit and mark the counter and drill a hole for the drain,syrup lines,soda lines,and power cord.Always look under counter for anything that might be in the way of your saw blade.With the hole cut go ahead and set your dispenser in place and run the drain and power cord through the hole.
6.Now mount the syrup pumps(these are what pumps the bib syrup from the boxs)to the cabinet up out of the way.
7.Set your carbonator (this is what makes the soda water)inside the cabinet.
8.Now set the co2 bottle inside cabinet and secure it with a strap or chain for easy replacment, but to keep it from getting knocked over and causing injury or death.
9.Now mount your primary regulator to the tank( this will be the high pressure regulator)use a co2 washer if yours does not have one built in.
10.Now run the water supply to the carbonator(make sure your water pressure is no more than 50 psi. if it is you need to install water regulator.Also I regemend installing a good filter large enough for gemercial ice maker not a refrigerator these will not supply enough water for the carbonator.Also I regemend installing a backflow preventer in the line just incase the one on the carbonator fails this will prevent any soda water from entering your water supply and geing in contact with copper and making you sick.You can get this and a filterat your local hardware store.
11.Now lets hook up the low pressure regulator to the high pressure regulator using the high pressure 1/4 in.beverage line.this line will be used on the co2 and the syrup supply.
12.Now run from the low side of the regulator to your syrup pumps and through the high pressure side to your carbonator.
13.Now set your bib boxs in place and start on one side of your pumps and take the first bib hose and connector and hook it up to the bib syrup box.Now from the same pump find the syrup supply on your pump and using the 1/4 in. line run it up to the dispenser syrup hook up with the same number as the syrup pump(for example syrup pump 1 goes to syrup line 1 on your dispenser) this way you will no what valve dispenses that syrup.Also from the carbonator run the soda supply up to the soda hook up on the dispenser.If your system has a non carbonated water run it also.
11.Now turn on the water and on the carbonator there is a relief valve open this up untill the tank is full of water not air then shut it back off.
12.Now turn on the co2 tank and set the high pressure regulator to 100 psi. and the low pressure regulator to 40 psi.Now check for leaks using dish deturgent or leak detector spray it on all connections and look for any bubbles.If you have a leak try tightening the fitting or turn off the co2 and replace the seal if needed.
13.Once you are sure of no leaks plug in the carbonator and the dispenser and run the drain hose from the dispenser to the drain you are using.
14.Your dispenser valves will have covers ,remove these so you can brix the valves to the proper ratio.The bib syrup will have a ratio for you to use (for example 5 to 1) this means 5 parts soda and 1 part syrup.
15.With the covers removed press the lever or button untill you get a good flow of soda and syrup .Do this on each valve then let the system have time to chill the soda water. If your system needs ice on the coldplate do this now.Give it about an hour to get the soda chilled .
16. Now that its had time to chill remove the nozzle and diffuser from the valve and replace with the brix cup nozzle made for your type of valve.Most all valves have 2 screws located on the valve for adjusting the flow rates.Soda will be on the left and syrup on the right.Run the screws all the way out .Then place brix cup under the nozzle andpress the lever or button .The soda will gee out into the largepart of the cup and syrup into the smaller part.Run the soda in about half way then adjust the syrup to get your 5 to 1 ratio.When you have it adjusted properly they will fill up each side of the cup at the same time.
17.Now that you have the valves brixed its time to enjoy your new dispenser ,and get ready to be the envy of all your friends.Also you want be lugging around 2 liters or going to the fridge only to find an empty one.
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