Friday, September 4, 2009

Gustave Sherman AB Necklace/earring Set Questions Please

I'm hoping to pick your brains again, as you folks have been so helpful with my other questions. I have this Rhinestone Set. It was my Great-Grandmothers and my Mom gave it to me to sell. I noticed they were all signed "Sherman" in cursive on the back so I started researching and I would love to confirm what I found out, as I know there is a lot of mis-information in some of these guides as well. 1) Is it true that the oval plaque w/signature is older/original late 40's/50's? 2) Are the round stones called Chaton Cut? 3) Are the rectangular stones called Baguette Cuts? And are these really the most uncommon cut for Sherman? 4) Are the pear shaped stones actually called Pear cuts? 5) As the metal is still so shiny is it true it would be Rhodium Plating? 6) Are the earrings called "Pinwheels"? 7) How do you take pics to get all the colors to flash as my pics look clear and these are actually AB's as they flash w/tons of color irl ? Here are some pics and any and all help is greatly appreciatted!! TIA

Orignal From: Gustave Sherman AB Necklace/earring Set Questions Please

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